Hi, I’m Afore.

I leverage my storytelling expertise and creative thinking to enhance user experiences, ensuring every design is not only functional but also engaging.

Hi, I’m Afore.

I leverage my storytelling expertise and creative thinking to enhance user experiences, ensuring every design is not only functional but also engaging.

Hi, I’m Afore.

I leverage my storytelling expertise and creative thinking to enhance user experiences, ensuring every design is not only functional but also engaging.



I'm a UX designer in Taiwan with a 9-year journalism background, where I honed my skills in distilling complex information into compelling stories. Now, I'm channeling those skills into crafting exceptional user experiences.

Curious about my switch from journalism to UX? Here’s my story.

When I was working as a project manager in the journalism industry, I collaborated with developers and designers to craft innovative stories. We integrated everything from chatbots to user-generated content and data visualizations, enhancing the reader experience and earning Innovative Journalism Awards both locally and internationally.

However, we noticed that our readers weren't fully engaging with our interactive features, sparking my interest in UX and leading to a career shift.

I'm a UX designer in Taiwan with a 9-year journalism background, where I honed my skills in distilling complex information into compelling stories. Now, I'm channeling those skills into crafting exceptional user experiences.

Curious about my switch from journalism to UX? Here’s my story.

When I was working as a project manager in the journalism industry, I collaborated with developers and designers to craft innovative stories. We integrated everything from chatbots to user-generated content and data visualizations, enhancing the reader experience and earning Innovative Journalism Awards both locally and internationally.

However, we noticed that our readers weren't fully engaging with our interactive features, sparking my interest in UX and leading to a career shift.

So, what do I bring to the UX field from my journalism background? Quite a lot.

1. I break down complex info into simple, digestible content.
2. I excel at conducting user interviews, asking good questions, and mining golden insights.
3. Is your product aiming for a unique audience? Let me handle it. I'm the pro at rounding up interviewees, especially in those tricky niche markets.

Reach out to me and let’s take your product to new heights!

So, what do I bring to the UX field from my journalism background? Quite a lot.

1. I break down complex info into simple, digestible content.
2. I excel at conducting user interviews, asking good questions, and mining golden insights.
3. Is your product aiming for a unique audience? Let me handle it. I'm the pro at rounding up interviewees, especially in those tricky niche markets.

Reach out to me and let’s take your product to new heights!




UX / Product Designer

UX / Product Designer




Local Producer

Local Producer

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation


Digital Project Manager

Digital Project Manager

United Daily News

United Daily News


Translator & Editor

Translator & Editor

Economic Daily News

Economic Daily News

Outside of design

Outside of design

If I'm in Taiwan, you'll likely find me at cultural events.

If I'm in Taiwan, you'll likely find me at cultural events.

If I'm away from Taiwan, I'm probably practicing community-based tourism.

If I'm away from Taiwan, I'm probably practicing community-based tourism.

If I'm not designing, I'm fixing for foreign journalists.

If I'm not designing, I'm fixing for foreign journalists.

If I'm not fixing, jogging keeps me energized.

If I'm not fixing, jogging keeps me energized.




© 2024 Afore Hsieh




© 2024 Afore Hsieh